Sunday, April 26, 2009

at the park

Saturday, April 25, 2009

the first time in my new float boat

enjoying the outdoors

me & hemi, i love her

just playin

attack of the daddy

movin' and rollin'

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

hangin' out by the pool with daddy. what a nice day

i love daddy pushing me in my swing

this new swing is so much fun


at the dr's office waiting to see baby brother finn on the 4d ultrasound

me in my new swing

Monday, April 20, 2009

todays ultrasound

today we did our 4d ultrasound with finn, he is 30 weeks & 1 day. we think he looks just like logan did at this stage. he smiled a lot during the ultrasound, and had no problem showing of his boy parts. we will do another ultrasound at 32 weeks to see his size and weight and check on his other organs. we are very excited and anxious to meet our little man.

face pics

hand to forhead
smiling again
face, chest and both arms (his right one is up and left one down)
more smiles

sweet face

finn's ear, he is looking down to the right


finn's pp

finn 4d ultrasound photos

Saturday, April 18, 2009

i cant hold this pose forever

trying to take a self portrait, if mommy would ever give me the camera

auzzie hat

happy baby

playing with my food

im tired